Helium annual review: 1995.

Type of article: Article


This annual review of the US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management reviews Grade-A helium (99.995% or better) sales volume in the US by private industry and the US Bureau of Mines; legislation and government programs; US production; consumption; stocks; transportation; prices; foreign trade; along with a world review (world production capacity of helium, excluding the US, was estimated to be 29 billion cubic meters. Most of the helium produced outside of the US was extracted in Russia and Poland. The remainder was produced in small plants in China and India. A new plant in Algeria has doubled non-US helium production capacity); current topics of research and technology are presented along with a table and a chart giving estimated helium consumption, by end use, in the US, in 1995.


  • Original title: Helium annual review: 1995.
  • Record ID : 1997-3180
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Regulation
  • Source: CryoGas International - vol. 34 - n. 9
  • Publication date: 1996/10
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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