How indoor environment affects performance.

Author(s) : WYON D. P., WARGOCKI P.

Type of article: Article


As experienced researchers in the effects of thermal comfort and indoor air quality on performance, we are often asked to give our best estimate of how, and to what extent, performance is affected by different aspects of indoor climate. This article provides a brief summary of our personal opinions, in the form of answers to 40 frequently asked questions. Our answers are based on the results of behavioral experiments conducted to date. We offer no opinions on long-term health effects of indoor environmental quality. We provide some references to relevant sources, but there is not enough space for all such references. We list some questions we cannot answer as topics for future research in this area.


  • Original title: How indoor environment affects performance.
  • Record ID : 30008319
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: General information
  • Source: ASHRAE Journal - vol. 55 - n. 3
  • Publication date: 2013/03


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