Improving the efficiency energy of the storage room at low temperature by the implementation of a thermal storage circuit with ethanol as secondary coolant.
Author(s) : SAMUEL F. S., RICARDO A. A., FLÁVIO S. V., et al.
Cooling systems play an important role on electricity demand at industrial and commercial centers. They are characterized by a large idle operation during mostly of the working time due to their over-sizing for cold periods. The high power needed also can cause degenerative effects to the equipments of the circuit when the automatic system is poorly parametrized which is not imcomum due to the dynamism of the circuit. The thermal storage system improves the energy efficiency of the refrigeration circuit and enables lower power consumption during scheduled periods. This paper refers to an empirical comparison between direct expansion cooling system (DEX) and a secondary cooling system with thermal storage (TS). Both were used for cooling of a cold chamber for frozen products. The empirical data from the two systems were used for the mass and energy balances. For the secondary circuit were used a blend of 50 wt% ethanol/water, cooled in a shell and tubes evaporator and stored in a tank with 4000 liters internal volume. Comparison and evaluation of both systems is grounded on the energy demand and the cooling capacity during 24h hours periods. The operation of the secondary circuit has improved the COP of the refrigeration circuit in approximately 26%, which influenced the increase in system capacity by more than 74%. Also it was noted the improvement of the ratio between the thermal load on the evaporator and consumption of electric power by about 40%. During off-peak periods, the power consumption of the DEX was 49% lower compared to the TS system while TS system causes a 51% reduction to power consumption during peak periods. The use of secondary system maintained the temperature at -6 ° C inside the chamber, while DEX reached -18 ° C. Data collected from the two systems allow performing a detailed evaluation about the important points in replacing a dry expansion system for a secondary system with thermal storage for applications in a cold chamber.
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- Original title: Improving the efficiency energy of the storage room at low temperature by the implementation of a thermal storage circuit with ethanol as secondary coolant.
- Record ID : 30017835
- Languages: English
- Source: CYTEF 2016. VIII Congreso Ibérico y VI Congreso Iberoamericano de las Ciencias y Técnicas del Frío, Coimbra-Portugal, 3-6 mayo, 2016.
- Publication date: 2016/05/03
See other articles from the proceedings (132)
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