Inventories and forecasts of emissions of liquid refrigerants. 2002. Final report. 1. Inventories 2002. 2. Basic data for France. 3. Forecasts up until 2016.

Inventaires et prévisions des émissions de fluides frigorigènes. Année 2002. Rapport final. 1. Inventaires 2002. 2. Données de base pour la France. 3. Projections à l'horizon 2016.


Type of monograph: Report


Each year, since 1996, the energy centre of the Ecole des mines de Paris carries out on Ademe's behalf (Agency for the Environment and Energy Management) an inventory of liquid refrigerants for all refrigeration and air-conditioning sectors (domestic refrigeration; commercial refrigeration; refrigerated transport; industrial refrigeration; fixed air conditioning; on-board air conditioning). The calculation method is based on an approach in which the collection of detailed information enables the reconstitution of the French industrial park, to define the liquid refrigerants market and to assess the emissions of these. The annual statements from distributors of liquid refrigerants are compared with the demand calculated by the RIEP database, which totals the new market requirements for liquid refrigerants and the recharging of existing equipment. This summary covers the three documents making up the annual report: Document 1 essentially gives bank figures, emissions and recovery per area for all families of liquid refrigerants. Document 2 specifies the hypotheses, the survey data, the calculation method per field. This document evaluates the uncertainties and specifies the improvements to be made, in particular to the surveys. Document 3 presents the bank's forecasts and emissions up until 2016. The documents can be downloaded on the following Web site:çais/publis/rapports/pdf/2004.


  • Original title: Inventaires et prévisions des émissions de fluides frigorigènes. Année 2002. Rapport final. 1. Inventaires 2002. 2. Données de base pour la France. 3. Projections à l'horizon 2016.
  • Record ID : 2005-2372
  • Languages: French
  • Subject: Figures, economy, Environment, General information
  • Publication: Ecole des mines de paris - France/France
  • Publication date: 2004/08
  • Number: 3
  • Source: Source: 41 + 36 + 101 p. (21 x 29.7); fig.; tabl.; append.