IIR document
Investigation on gradient thermal cycle for power and refrigeration cogeneration.
Author(s) : JIANG L., WANG R. Z., GAO P., et al.
Type of article: Article, IJR article
In order to improve energy utilization efficiency of low grade heat, a novel gradient thermal cycle for power and refrigeration cogeneration is proposed. The cycle is cascaded with two stages based on different thermal driven temperature. The first stage is pumpless Organic Rankine Cycle (PRC) while the second stage is two-stage sorption refrigerator. R245fa is selected as the working fluid of PRC, whereas CaCl2-BaCl2-NH3 working pair is chosen for twostage sorption refrigerator. Different heat source temperatures from 80°C to 95°C are adopted for analysis and comparison. Results indicate that the highest average power output and cooling effect are able to reach 204Wand 0.91 kW under the condition of 95°C heat source temperature and 10°C refrigeration temperature. For different heat source temperatures, total energy and exergy efficiency of the gradient thermal cycle for power and refrigeration cogeneration range from 9.49% to 9.9% and 10.9% to 11.8%, respectively. For gradient thermal cycle exergy efficiency of heat utilization ranges from 24% to 18.8% which is 126.5% and 70.9% higher than the PRC and two-stage sorption refrigerator, respectively, when the heat source temperature is 80°C.
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Pages: 42-51
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- Original title: Investigation on gradient thermal cycle for power and refrigeration cogeneration.
- Record ID : 30022231
- Languages: English
- Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 76
- Publication date: 2017/04
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2017.01.018
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