Measurement of heat transfers in cryogenic tank with several configurations.
Author(s) : KHEMIS O., BESSAÏH R., AIT ALI M., et al.
Type of article: Article
The work presented here concerns the measurement of heat transfer in a cryogenic tank with several configurations. The experimental test incorporated the conductive heat in the neck, the convection heat transfers between the inner wall of the neck and the ascending vapour resulting from boiling, and the radiation heat transfers between the external envelope and the tank through a vacuum. An experimental prototype was produced in collaboration with the nuclear centre of Orsay in France according to a didactic design, which takes into account the Wexler effect and the importance of the radiation compared to the conduction-convection heat transfer. The addition of a screen radiative ventilated with variable position on the neck (which can effectively replace several tens of floating screens), in order to find the optimal position, which minimizes the radiation flux, is presented in this article.
- Original title: Measurement of heat transfers in cryogenic tank with several configurations.
- Record ID : 2005-0541
- Languages: English
- Source: Applied Thermal Engineering - vol. 24 - n. 14-15
- Publication date: 2004/10
See other articles in this issue (13)
See the source
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