Measurements in an indoor thermal environment with a radiating cooling ceiling.

Merení tepelného prostredí se sálavým chladicím stropem.

Author(s) : ZMRHAL V.

Type of article: Article


Radiant heat transfer between human being and the environment, in comparison to the convection heat transfer appears to be advantageous both from the point of view of creating the thermal comfort and the energy consumption. It is because the thermal comfort is influenced by the surface temperature of other surfaces. In a space with cooling ceiling it is possible to maintain a slightly higher air temperature than air-conditioning systems with convection heat transfer, and achieve the same level of thermal comfort. The mentioned attribute results in energy saving for indoor air cooling. The radiant way of cooling is advantageous even from the point of view of further hygienic aspects because it is not accompanied by undesirable impacts as noise, or possible draught.

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Pages: 146-151


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  • Original title: Merení tepelného prostredí se sálavým chladicím stropem.
  • Record ID : 2006-3061
  • Languages: Czech
  • Source: Vytápení Vetrání Instalace - vol. 15 - n. 3
  • Publication date: 2006


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