Modeled and measured effects of compressor downsizing in an existing air conditioner/heat pump in the cooling mode.
Author(s) : LEVINS W. P., RICE C. K., BAXTER V. D.
Proper sizing of an air conditioner or heat pump allows more efficient operation and provides a more comfortable environement than a highly oversized unit. Another factor that lowers operating efficiency is an improper refrigerant charge. Field inspections have revealed that about half of the units checked were not properly charged. An option available to homeowners with oversized air conditioners is to replace the existing compressor with a smaller, more efficient compressor rather than purchasing a new, smaller unit. Such a retrofit may be economically justified, especially during a compressor failure, provided the oversizing of the existing unit is not too great.
- Original title: Modeled and measured effects of compressor downsizing in an existing air conditioner/heat pump in the cooling mode.
- Record ID : 1997-2306
- Languages: English
- Source: ASHRAE Transactions.
- Publication date: 1996/06/23
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See other articles from the proceedings (42)
See the conference proceedings
- Themes: Air conditioning: general information
- Keywords: Refrigerating circuit; Heat pump; Optimization; Air conditioning; Compressor
Effect of refrigerant charge on the performance...
- Author(s) : GOSWAMI D. Y., LEUNG M., et al.
- Date : 2001/06/25
- Languages : English
- Source: Int. J. Energy Res. - vol. 25 - n. 8
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Quelques règles de base pour l'acoustique des r...
- Author(s) : BERNARD A. M.
- Date : 1998/06
- Languages : French
- Source: Chaud Froid Plomb./Chauff. Vent. Cond. - n. 6-7
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Optimising pump head for energy saving.
- Author(s) : BEECKMANS V.
- Date : 2000/03
- Languages : English
- Source: IRHACE J. - vol. 12 - n. 2
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The impact of safety factors on pump performanc...
- Author(s) : FISHER D. S.
- Date : 2001/06/24
- Languages : English
- Source: ASHRAE Transactions. 2001 annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio. Volume 107, part 2 + CD-ROM.
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Energy use and heat recovery in water-loop heat...
- Author(s) : ZAIDI J. H., HOWELL R. H.
- Date : 1993
- Languages : English
- Source: ASHRAE Transactions.
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