Necessity and need for cooling equipment efficiency diagnosis.

Potreba i nutnost úcinné diagnostiky chladicích zarízení.

Author(s) : LEBAR A., DRAGOUN M.

Type of article: Article, Review


For reliable and economical operation of cooling and air-conditioning devices as well as heat pumps, there is a need for regular operating parameters and the technical conditions need to be checked. Such checking is also a preventive measure, which can indicate some discrepancies in the operation of the system and draw attention to possible failures which are possible to avoid and ensure the reliability during operation, personal property and environmental protection. Because new legislation and standards for appliances containing certain fluorinated greenhouse gases insist on specific regular checking, the cooling device diagnosis is not just needed but also a legal requirement. The article describes required regular checking, considered value and their importance for the functioning of the system and modern measuring instruments suitable for the diagnostics.


  • Original title: Potreba i nutnost úcinné diagnostiky chladicích zarízení.
  • Record ID : 2009-0094
  • Languages: Czech
  • Source: Vytápení Vetrání Instalace - vol. 17 - n. 3
  • Publication date: 2008


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