One-dimensional analytical and numerical models of the pulse-tube cooler.


Three one-dimensional models describing the fluid dynamics and thermodynamics in the tube section of a pulse-tube refrigerator have been developed: numerical, analytical and harmonic. The numerical model concerns a finite-difference scheme that is second-order accurate in space and time. The analytical model is exact and based on the method of characteristics. The harmonic model is approximate and assumes sinusoidal variations of all variables. Some typical results for a single-stage Stirling type pulse-tube refrigerator are presented.


  • Original title: One-dimensional analytical and numerical models of the pulse-tube cooler.
  • Record ID : 2008-1059
  • Languages: English
  • Publication date: 2006/06/14
  • Source: Source: Proc. 14th int. Cryocooler Conf., Annapolis, MD
    301-306; fig.; tabl.; 6 ref.