The aim of the paper is to study a lithium-bromide absorption machine thoroughly. The authors started by a simple introduction showing the amount of fuel used in the last years for air-conditioning systems and how an absorption machine can save a large amount of that fuel. The second part of the paper was devoted to the study of each main part of the machine: condenser, evaporator, generator, absorber, heat exchanger and collector. Studying these parts means studying all the necessary parameters: the optimal temperatures used the flow rates, the required pressures, and concentrations of the fluids at every step. Using all these given parameters and the proper conduction-convection heat transfer equations, the authors can find the length of the tubes required to ensure the transfer of heat (either by software or by mathematical calculations). Then they moved to the secondary parts such as: the pumps, the valves used, the divergent and all the other components enhancing the performance of the machine. The paper concludes by studying whether this machine is economical or not. Therefore, a simple application was done on a supermarket that needs an absorption machine of a 600 ton capacity. The study shows that the machine needs 6 years and eight months to recover its costs with an annual payback of USD 120 000.
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- Original title: Optimal design and economical study for solar air-conditioning by absorption chillers.
- Record ID : 2006-0383
- Languages: English
- Source: Latest Developments in Refrigerated Storage, Transportation and Display of Food Products.
- Publication date: 2005/03/28
See other articles from the proceedings (18)
See the conference proceedings
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- Date : 2007/06/10
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- Source: Clima 2007. WellBeing Indoors. Proceedings of the 9th REHVA World Congress [CD-ROM + Abstract book].
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- Source: Zbornik radova. 45. Medunarodnikongres i izložba o grejanju hladenju i klimatizaciji./ Proceedings. 45th International congress and exhibition on heating, refrigeration and air conditioning (HVAC&R).
- Formats : PDF
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- Author(s) : SUMATHY K.
- Date : 2003/08/17
- Languages : English
- Source: 21st IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Serving the Needs of Mankind.
- Formats : PDF
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- Date : 2007/08/21
- Languages : English
- Source: ICR 2007. Refrigeration Creates the Future. Proceedings of the 22nd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration.
- Formats : PDF
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- Source: Chaud Froid Plomb. - n. 702
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