Physics of thin layers at the atomic scale.

Physique à l'échelle atomique des couches minces.


Type of monograph: Book


This work concerns the optimization of conditions of development of thin layers of heterostructures of formula AxB1-x C/DuEu-1F (for example CdTe or GaAs/Si for x=1,u=1…) or AxByCz/DuEvFw (for example SiO2/Si; ZrO2/Si or ZrO2/SiO2/Si; HfO2/Si or HfO2/SiO2/Si,…) by development of a simulation tool of hetero_epitaxique thin layer growth via the kinetic Monte Carlo method. Our original application has been done to the crystalline growth of the ultra thin layers of SiO2/Si(100)_2x1 by dry oxidization of the Si(100)_2x1. It is put in evidence limits and weakness of the continuous modelling and the necessity to introduce the simulation on an atomic scale to help to better understand the mechanism of Ultra thin layers formation at the first instants of the oxidization. Different elementary mechanisms and their energies of activation have been introduced to simulate configurations, chosen to make this study, in a system with large number of atoms. The validation of our simulation took place on the applied data basis gotten with the help of the spectroscopy of photoemission synchrotron (XPS) and the scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) among others. It has been shown then, by the coupling of our simulator to software of graphic visualization, that the physico-chemical parameter adjustment, as the coefficient of transfers loads (in O), the temperature of oxidization and the pressure of the flux incidental O2, conditioned the gotten output, in particular, the chemical composition of oxides to the SiO2/Si(100) interface, the crystalline structure of the native oxide on the silicon, roughness and the distribution of defaults in surface and constraints to the SiO2/Si interface.


  • Original title: Physique à l'échelle atomique des couches minces.
  • Record ID : 30008648
  • Languages: French
  • Publication: EUE (Editions universitaires européennes) - Germany/Germany
  • Publication date: 2013/08/19
  • ISBN: 9786131547539