IIR document

Post-dryout heat transfer characteristics and prediction method for CO2 in horizontal minitubes.

Author(s) : YUN R., LEE Y., KIM Y.


Because of the steep decrease of the flow boiling heat transfer coefficient of CO2 at moderate vapour quality, the post-dryout heat transfer characteristic of CO2 is an important parameter in designing heat exchangers. In this study, the post-dryout heat transfer coefficients were analyzed by dividing two regions based on the observation of the trends of the heat transfer coefficients. One is a transition region, and the other is a fully dryout region. When the Shah model was applied to the heat transfer coefficients of the transition region, the mean deviation between the experimental results and the estimated data was 25.3%. The Groeneveld model was applied to the fully dryout region, yielding the mean deviation of 36.4%. The Groeneveld model is suggested for the post-dryout heat transfer coefficient, and the Yun et al. model is recommended for the pre-dryout heat transfer coefficient. The critical liquid film model was applied to predict the dryout vapour quality in the present model.

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Pages: ICR07-B1-290


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  • Original title: Post-dryout heat transfer characteristics and prediction method for CO2 in horizontal minitubes.
  • Record ID : 2007-2511
  • Languages: English
  • Source: ICR 2007. Refrigeration Creates the Future. Proceedings of the 22nd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration.
  • Publication date: 2007/08/21


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