IIR document

Prediction of average heat transfer coefficient in boiling and condensing refrigerants inside tubes.

Author(s) : PALIWODA A.


This semi-empirical method has been based on a heat exchanger mass/heat balance equation that was coupled together with a generalized two-phase pressure drop correlation in straight pipes and arbitrary pipe components. The equation show that the in-tube heat transfer coefficient is strongly favoured by a short evaporator and condenser tubes with a high mass flux density of a flowing refrigerant. The mass flux density is limited, however, by an admissible pressure drop over the heat exchangers. In case of tubular heat exchangers with inside finned tubes and plated exchangers with non-circular cross section channels, the method has been quantitatively tested with boiling R22, R134a, and R717 and condensing R22. Its estimated accuracy is more or less 10 through 5% of predicted data compared with measurements.

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Pages: 303-312


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  • Original title: Prediction of average heat transfer coefficient in boiling and condensing refrigerants inside tubes.
  • Record ID : 1997-2048
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Research, design and construction of refrigeration and air conditioning equipments in Eastern European countries.
  • Publication date: 1996/09/10
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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