Principles of hybrid ventilation.
Type of monograph: Other
This publication, which is included in the AIVC CD-ROM No. 6, contains the results of the joint activities in IEA-ECBCS Annex 35 "Hybrid ventilation in new and retrofitted office buildings". With a focus on office and educational buildings, the principles of hybrid ventilation technologies, design, control strategies and algorithms, as well as analysis methods are described. The book is aimed at newcomers in the field and gives an introduction to hybrid ventilation. Thirteen case studies, including both new-build and retrofit designs, are presented.
- Original title: Principles of hybrid ventilation.
- Record ID : 2004-0446
- Languages: English
- Subject: Environment
- Publication: AIVC (Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre) - Belgium/Belgium
- Publication date: 2002/08
- Source: Source: 75 p. (21 x 29.7); fig.; tabl./AIVC CD No. 6.
Other air-conditioning equipment;
Indoor air quality;
Green buildings - Keywords: Office; Hybrid ventilation; Economy; Building; Ventilation; Design; Research; Air quality; Prediction; Performance; Case study; Energy saving; School; Retrofitting; Control (generic); Thermal comfort; Air conditioning
CO2-sensors for indoor air quality: a high-tech...
- Author(s) : IEA-ECBCS, WILLEMS E. M. M., AA A. van der
- Date : 2002
- Languages : English
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Ventilation and cooling. Proceedings of the 18t...
- Organiser : AIVC
- Date : 1997/09/23
- Languages : English
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2012 Purdue Conferences. 2nd International High...
- Organiser : Purdue University, GROLL E. A. (ed.), TZEMPELIKOS T. (ed.)
- Date : 2012/07/16
- Languages : English
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Night ventilation for cooling office buildings.
- Author(s) : KOLOKOTRONI M.
- Date : 1998
- Languages : English
- Source: BRE, Inf. Pap. - n. 4-98
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Achieving air-change effectiveness for Green St...
- Author(s) : ALLISON C., NORTH B.
- Date : 2011/02
- Languages : English
- Source: EcoLibrium - vol. 10 - n. 1
- Formats : PDF
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