Prospects of apple production in Finland.
Author(s) : DRIS R.
Type of article: Article
Finland, which is one of the northern-most countries where apple production can be undertaken, offers favourable conditions for growing healthy and unpolluted apples. Finnish consumers prefer domestic apples mainly because they are considered to be clean, fresh and of good quality, whereas imported apples should be peeled before eating them.
- Original title: Prospects of apple production in Finland.
- Record ID : 1999-3658
- Languages: English
- Source: Univ. Hels. - vol. 17 - n. 4
- Publication date: 1998
- Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.
See the source
- Themes: Fruit
- Keywords: Quality; Statistics; Production; Apple; Finland; Fruit
Storage of apples grown in Finland.
- Author(s) : DRIS R.
- Date : 1996
- Languages : English
- Source: Nord. Jordbruksforsk. - vol. 78 - n. 3
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The quality and shelf life of some new Finnish ...
- Author(s) : MOKKILA M., HÄKKINEN U., HÄGG M., et al.
- Date : 1998/04/22
- Languages : English
- Source: Agri-food quality II: quality management of fruits and vegetables.
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World fresh apple trade expanding./ Expansion d...
- Date : 1998
- Languages : English
- Source: Int. Fruit World - n. 1
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Trends in world apple production and marketing.
- Author(s) : O'ROURKE A. D.
- Date : 1996
- Languages : English
- Source: Good Fruit Grow. - vol. 47 - n. 8
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Marché des pommes : la France dans son environn...
- Author(s) : DECOENE C.
- Date : 1998/03
- Languages : French
- Source: Infos Ctifl - n. 139
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