Refrigeration compressors for the '90s -and beyond.

Type of article: Article


The author outlines improvements in materials and design for a range of refrigerant compressors from hermetics up to large 2-stage screw machines. Material improvements include spheroidal cast-iron allowing lighter, stronger castings, chromium plated pistons rings, higher grade aluminium for pistons and connecting rods, and improved lubricating oils. Design improvements for reciprocating compressors centre on reduced clearance volume and decreased pressure loss through valves, while developments in screw compressors have led to integral staging. Efficiency improvements as high as 20% are quoted. D.W.H.


  • Original title: Refrigeration compressors for the '90s -and beyond.
  • Record ID : 1993-1360
  • Languages: English
  • Publication date: 1992/03
  • Source: Source: Refrig. Air Cond.
    suppl.; 3-4; 2 fig.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.