IIR document

Refrigeration for comfort and health: air conditioning.

Author(s) : LANNAUD J.

Type of excerpt: Book chapter


This booklet was jointly prepared by the IIR and the French Refrigeration Association (AFF) in order to mark the centenaries of both organizations in 2008. It presents the history and state of the art of refrigeration technology and its applications. 30 short articles are on the following: 1908, the first Congress of Refrigeration; refrigeration (natural refrigeration; methods of artificial refrigeration; the evolutions of compressors; the structure of compression refrigeration systems; air systems and magnetic refrigeration systems; sorption systems; refrigerants, secondary refrigerants and the environment; the evolutions of heat exchangers); cryogenics (gas liquefaction and superconductivity; ultra-low temperatures); application of refrigeration (synoptic table); refrigeration and products (what is the cold chain? refrigeration of foodstuffs; freezing and deep freezing foods; freeze-drying and cryodesiccation; land, marine and air refrigerated transport; cold store insulation; refrigerated retail display cabinets; domestic refrigerators and freezers); refrigeration for comfort and health (air conditioning; heat pumps; refrigeration in medicine and cryosurgery; refrigeration in biology); refrigeration for leisure activities (snowmaking; skating rinks; ground freezing in archaeology; a few examples of the use of refrigeration); perspectives; major scientists; major engineers, inventors and businessmen.

Available documents

Format PDF

Pages: pp. 56-57


  • Public price

    20 €

  • Member price*

    15 €

* Best rate depending on membership category (see the detailed benefits of individual and corporate memberships).


  • Original title: Refrigeration for comfort and health: air conditioning.
  • Record ID : 2010-0558
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: General information
  • Source: 2008 - Refrigeration year: 100 years at the service of the development of refrigeration and its applications./ 2008 - Année du froid : 100 ans au service du développement du froid et de ses applications.
  • Publication date: 2008/06


See other book excerpts from the same source (26)
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