Refrigeration installation with an air subcooler of liquid ammonia.
[In Russian. / En russe.]
Author(s) : KIREEV V. V.
Type of article: Article
The basis for the rational use of natural cold is the application of air heat exchangers in refrigerating installations. Thus, it is practical to use an air superchiller of liquid ammonia. This will ensure more stable operation of the ammonia pump switched on at low outside air temperatures and installed after the vertical receiver. A heat exchanger based on porous materials with an average coefficient of heat transfer of 65 Wt/(m2.K) was used as an air superchiller.
- Original title: [In Russian. / En russe.]
- Record ID : 2005-1756
- Languages: Russian
- Source: Kholodilnaya Tekhnika - n. 6
- Publication date: 2004/06
See other articles in this issue (147)
See the source
- Themes: Compression systems
- Keywords: Refrigerating circuit; Outdoor air; Liquid; Design; Ammonia; Subcooling
Liquid refrigerant pumping incorporating superh...
- Author(s) : TOMCZYK J. A.
- Date : 1996/10/02
- Languages : English
- Source: New Developments in Refrigeration for Food Safety and Quality.
- Formats : PDF
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Subcooling is the missing piece of the puzzle.
- Author(s) : LEONARD H.
- Date : 2002/08/19
- Languages : English
- Source: Air Cond. Heat. Refrig. News/ - 5 p.
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Les mesures : sous-refroidissement. Fiche prati...
- Author(s) : JACQUARD P.
- Date : 1998/05
- Languages : French
- Source: La revue pratique du froid et du conditionnement d'air - n. 857
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Ammonia low-pressure receivers.
- Author(s) : PEARSON S. F.
- Date : 1996/01/11
- Languages : English
- Source: Inst. Refrig., Adv. Proof - 8 p.; 4 fig.; 2 tabl.; 4 ref.
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Receivers for refrigeration plants.
- Author(s) : NOVICHKOVA J. A.
- Date : 2002
- Languages : Russian
- Source: Holodil'nyj Biznes - n. 4
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