Refrigeration coupling adsorption with absorption (ADAB system) is a novel refrigeration cycle proposed, based on principles of adsorption and absorption cycles. The research uses the binary components (NH3 and H2O) as the working mediums instead of a single component in a traditional absorption cycle or adsorption cycle. The operation pressure of an ADAB system is near ambient pressure in contrast to high vacuum in a pure water system or high pressure in a pure ammonia system. Ammonia is used as the refrigerant and the system has little pollution to environment. An experimental setup is built to test the performance of the ADAB system and to compare it with pure adsorptive system. In the study, 13x molecular sieve, silica gel and calcium chloride are selected as adsorbents. Effects of ammonia concentrations and desorption temperature on COP are investigated. The results from experiment and analysis show that the COP of the binary coupling system is higher than that of a pure adsorptive system. The experiment demonstrates that the feasibility and reliability of the adsorption chiller are greatly improved with the use of ADAB refrigeration system.
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- Original title: Research of refrigeration system coupling adsorption with absorption.
- Record ID : 2005-0151
- Languages: English
- Source: 21st IIR International Congress of Refrigeration: Serving the Needs of Mankind.
- Publication date: 2003/08/17
See other articles from the proceedings (398)
See the conference proceedings
- Themes: Absorption and adsorption systems
- Keywords: Research; Ammonia-water; Absorption system; Adsorption system; Expérimentation; COP; Calcium chloride
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- Formats : PDF
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