A planar mathematic heat transfer model with phase change in an anisotropic porous medium is formulated. A liquid region, a mushy region and a completely frozen region are considered in the porous medium during the freezing process. The changing trend of temperature, liquid saturation in anisotropic and isotropic porous media at different conditions is obtained. It can be concluded that the mushy region width is different at different freezing time. In the former 30 minutes, the mushy region becomes larger gradually, however, the change does not seem so distinct. In this later freezing period, the mushy region widens with time distinctly. It is shown that the temperature changes are different in anisotropic and isotropic media, and the temperature difference in the two media shows more obvious with freezing time going forward. Also, it can be found that the lower the freezing boundary temperature, the shorter the time before the ice forming, and the more evident of the temperature distribution difference in both the anisotropic porous and isotropic porous media.
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- Original title: Research on the heat transfer process during freezing of saturated porous medium.
- Record ID : 2008-0537
- Languages: English
- Source: ICR 2007. Refrigeration Creates the Future. Proceedings of the 22nd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration.
- Publication date: 2007/08/21
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