Seasonal energy efficiency of primary air-conditioning systems.

Efficacité énergétique saisonnière des systèmes primaires de climatisation.

Author(s) : RIVIÈRE P., ADNOT J., BECIRSPAHIC S., et al.


The United States have carried out a certain number of studies on the topic of the seasonal performances of reversible or non-reversible air-conditioning installations, having led to the definition of 2 calculation methods subjected to certification programmes. The first, defined by the ARI 550/590-98 standard, makes it possible to characterize the seasonal performances in air-conditioning mode of chilled water production units (centralized air conditioning) with air- or water-cooled condensers. The second method, defined by the ASHRAE 116-95 standard, concerns air conditioners and reversible air-to-air heat pumps whose nominal cooling power lies between 12 and 19 kW. In Europe today, a simple and validated method making it possible to determine, for a given building and weather, the seasonal efficiency of the associated air-conditioning system does not exist. The authors analyse the ARI 550/590 standard enabling the calculation of the IPLV coefficient: this standard concerns the production equipment and not the system as a whole. The ASHRAE 116 standard is also analysed, which, even if its field of application does not correspond exactly to that used in Europe, provides a different calculation method and makes it possible to consider the reversibility of the production equipment. The final objective is to rule on the reproducibility of the ARI 550/590 standard in Europe.


  • Original title: Efficacité énergétique saisonnière des systèmes primaires de climatisation.
  • Record ID : 2005-2153
  • Languages: French
  • Subject: Regulation
  • Source: Fluides frigorigènes et environnement et actions en faveur du Plan National de Lutte contre l'Effet de Serre. 3e Colloque sur l'effet de serre.
  • Publication date: 2002/09/26


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