Simulating combined thermostat, air conditioner, and building performance in a house.

Author(s) : HENDERSON H. I. Jr


A simulation model is developed that includes detailed models for a thermostat, air conditioner and building. The model is developed by adding thermostat and air conditioner models to the building simulation program FSEC 1.1. Using this combined model, the effect of building thermal mass, thermostat and equipment sizing on the air conditioner cycling rate and energy use are studied for a summer day (July 23) in a typical 1,500 ft2 wood-frame house located in Miami, Florida.


  • Original title: Simulating combined thermostat, air conditioner, and building performance in a house.
  • Record ID : 1993-2130
  • Languages: English
  • Publication date: 1992
  • Source: Source: ASHRAE Trans.
    vol. 98; n. 1; 370-380; 5 fig.; 11 tabl.; 28 ref.; append.
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.