Spontaneous polarization in dense hydrogen.

Author(s) : EDWARDS B., ASHCROFT N. W.

Type of article: Article


Below 140 K, solid hydrogen undergoes a transition at about 1.5 million atmospheres between two orientationally ordered states. The intermolecular vibrational mode (the vibron) shifts to a lower frequency at this transition, and becomes strongly infrared-active. So far is known, hydrogen remains in this phase to the highest pressures yet reached. The authors report first-principles calculations of the structure of this phase using electronic density-functional theory. They find that it develops a spontaneous polarization at around ninefold compression relative to the volume at 1 atmosphere and that there is a corresponding movement of proton pairs away from their ideal lattice sites.


  • Original title: Spontaneous polarization in dense hydrogen.
  • Record ID : 1998-1457
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Nature - vol. 388 - n. 6643
  • Publication date: 1997/08/14
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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