Study on a heat-driven pump. Part 2. Mathematical modelling.

Author(s) : XU J. L., HUANG X. Y., WONG T. N.

Type of article: Article


Literature shows that studies on heat-driven pumps are mainly focused on the experimental aspects. Numerical modelling is scarce. In this article a numerical model is proposed to simulate the thermal hydraulic characteristics of a heat-driven pump based on a variable-node moving boundary formulation. In the two-phase region of the heat-driven pump, homogeneous equilibrium flow is assumed. The governing equations are successfully integrated over the single-phase and two-phase time-dependent regions. The simulation results demonstrate that the working principle of the pump could be sub-divided into four distinct stages. Attempts were made to compare the predictions with experimental data. The thermal hydraulic characteristics, cycle behaviour and factors affecting the pump performance are presented and discussed.


  • Original title: Study on a heat-driven pump. Part 2. Mathematical modelling.
  • Record ID : 2004-0520
  • Languages: English
  • Source: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer - vol. 46 - n. 18
  • Publication date: 2003/08


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