Superconducting properties of titanium-doping niobium-tube method niobium-tin conductors and magnets.

Author(s) : HE M., HU S. R., SUN Y., et al.

Type of article: Article


The niobium-tin magnet made of titanium-doping niobium-tube method niobium-tin conductor and processed with the techniques of "noneven current density winding design", "wind and react" and "epoxy-impregnation" is suitable to be used as the insert magnet of niobium-titanium/niobium-tin hybrid superconducting magnet system.


  • Original title: Superconducting properties of titanium-doping niobium-tube method niobium-tin conductors and magnets.
  • Record ID : 1993-0027
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Cryogenics - vol. 30
  • Publication date: 1990/09


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