Sustainable Cooling for All in Ghana: Meeting cooling needs while accelerating a just and equitable transition.

Author(s) : Sustainable Energy for All

Type of monograph: Report


Cooling and cold chains are vital for healthcare and vaccines, for nutrition and agricultural value chains, for thermal comfort at home, work, school and in transportation, and for industrial processes and data centres. Affordable and sustainable cooling is essential for a thriving society and a healthy nation, sitting at the intersection of the Paris Climate Agreement, the Kigali Amendment of the Montreal Protocol and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The purpose of this report is to provide Ghana’s policymakers, investors and other cooling sector stakeholders with an overview, data, policy and financial recommendations to meet Ghana’s cooling needs and accelerate a just and equitable transition while cutting emissions.

Available documents

Format PDF

Pages: 54 p.




  • Original title: Sustainable Cooling for All in Ghana: Meeting cooling needs while accelerating a just and equitable transition.
  • Record ID : 30033060
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: Figures, economy, Developing country
  • Publication date: 2024/12
