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IIR document
Food losses and the carbon footprint of food : Is the food cold chain sustainable ?
South Africa: gateway to the continent.
Cold chain management concepts.
Développer la chaîne du froid pour alimenter la planète : un défi méditerranéen.
Developing the cold chain to feed the planet: a Mediterranean challenge.
Developing the cold chain in the food sector in the Sub-Saharan Africa and the Near East and North Africa.
Refrigeration to prevent food losses.
Tendances novatrices dans la chaîne du froid alimentaire.
New trends in cold chain for food.
Management of COVID-19 vaccines cold chain logistics: a scoping review.
Recommended by the IIR
Shaping the Cold Chain of the Future: The Road to Net Zero. Part two - Defining a Net Zero Cold Chain.
Potentials of wetted fabric as a cold medium for transport of horticultural products.
Adaptive SARIMA modelling for continuous chamber temperature tracking in ultra-low temperature freezers.
More holding capacity needed for increased harvest volumes.
Cold chain development for fruits & vegetables in india. Kinnow cold chain study. Part 1.
Refrigeration and thermal control during industrial storage of potatoes to prevent acrylamide.
Numerical simulation of CO2 two-stage compression refrigeration system with external intercooler.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
89 results
Overview and outlook of the cooling sector in Jordan
In May 2024, Jordan’s Ministry of the Environment published its National Cooling Strategy (NCS), which details the country’s cooling sector and sets a framework for the National...
Indonesia unveils its first National Cooling Action Plan
The Indonesian government launched its first National Cooling Action Plan (I-NCAP) which focuses on air conditioning, food and healthcare cold chains, mobile air conditioning and...
Assisting developing countries in setting national plans for sustainable cooling
With over a billion people at risk due to a lack of access to cooling, a UNEP-led working group has published a methodology to help countries develop National Cooling Action Plans (NCAPs).
ICCC2013 highlights: FRISBEE input: a quality, energy and environmental assessment tool for the European cold chain
In the framework of the EU-FP7 FRISBEE project – in which the IIR is involved –, QEEAT, a software tool was developed to assess food quality and safety evolution, energy usage and CO2 emission of different refrigeration technologies along the...
France: express food delivery (in French)
This solution allows autonomous cold production and control of the transport and storage of perishable food.
Reducing post-harvest food losses in sub-Saharan Africa
To strengthen the cold chain for fruit and vegetables in sub-Saharan Africa, sustainable measures and the use of precooling are recommended in a review article.
India: increased investment in the cold chain could reduce food losses and cut CO2 emissions.
Roughly 18% of fruits and vegetables are wasted each year due to the lack of post-harvest storage infrastructure.
Expansion of cold chain facilities in hot countries
Effective cold-chain logistics are essential for the economic growth of hot countries. In Africa, Asia, as well as the Middle East, various stakeholders are engaged in setting up cold storage refrigeration warehouses and temperature-controlled...
More than one billion people are at high risk due to a lack of access to cooling
The annual Chilling Prospects report estimates that 355 million people living in poor rural areas and 732 million people living in poor urban areas are at risk due to a lack of access to cooling worldwide....
A project to decarbonise the cold chain in the UK using hydrogen
The University of Nottingham is looking to develop dual-use energy storage technology capable of supplying hydrogen to a fuel cell and generating direct cooling for refrigeration applications.
An overview of the current status of the cold chain in China
A recent review article in the IJR presents the current situation of the various steps of the food cold chain in China, from post-harvest to storage by the final consumer: food losses, refrigerating equipment, refrigerants, policies and regulations.
Challenges for post-pandemic food cold chain
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed several shortcomings in the global food cold chain. In the aftermath of the pandemic, investment in the cold chain is necessary to maximise access to food and reduce waste....
Meeting the challenge of a sustainable global food cold chain
A recent report published by UNEP and FAO includes several important recommendations on how to develop more sustainable food cold chains.
Cold chain industry in India.
Currently, India has 6,300 cold storage facilities unevenly spread across the country, with an installed capacity of 30.11 million metric tons.
Cold chain equipment market to grow rapidly through 2020
The global demand for the cold chain equipment market, valued at USD 67 billion in 2014, is expected to reach USD 118.0 billion in 2020.
IIR news
37 results
SophiA project: HKA Lab test progress
SophiA HKA (Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences) Lab test is intended to provide a better understanding of the cooling system in in different climate zones.
New IIR Informatory Note on solar cooling and other new publications
The IIR has just published an Informatory Note on solar cooling and has posted the Chinese version of the Informatory Note on the role of refrigeration in worldwide nutrition on its website.
Cold Chain Technology Briefs: Now available in French and Spanish
Originally published in English, the IIR-UNEP OzonAction Cold Chain Technology Briefs have been translated into two additional languages.
New joint IIR-FAO actions in Africa
A new phase for joint IIR-FAO actions in Africa
The IIR publishes a new Informatory Note on The Role of Refrigeration in Worldwide Nutrition
In line with its corporate objective to promote knowledge of refrigeration and associated technologies and applications on a global scale, the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) has published a new Informatory Note on “The...
Highlights: IIR Cold Chain Conference 2020 Welcomed Over 140 Participants
Offering both on site and online access, the 6th IIR Cold Chain conference was the first ever hybrid IIR conference!
World Bank project in Bangladesh
The IIR has just signed an agreement with the World Bank to develop a cold chain, as sustainable as possible of course, in Bangladesh, in partnership with British and Bangladeshi universities.
New IIR Informatory Note on the carbon footprint of the cold chain
The IIR has just issued a new Informatory Note on the carbon footprint of the cold chain. It highlights the food safety and environmental benefits of an improved global cold chain.
Save the Date – The 7th IIR Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain will take place in April 2022
This international event will focus on sharing expertise on the cold chain with developing countries to address key UN sustainable development goals related to hunger, health, energy, education,...
7th IIR International Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain – Call for Abstracts Now Open!
The call for abstracts is now open for the 7th IIR International Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain, which is due to take place in Newcastle (UK) on April 11-13, 2022.
IJR Editorial: World Refrigeration Day 2020
Editorial of Didier Coulomb, Director General of the IIR, published in volume 113 of the International...
Student Prizes on offer for best technical paper on sustainable cold chains at ICCC 2022
The organisers of the 7th IIR International Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain, the Institute of Refrigeration (UK), is delighted to announce the launch of a student...
Policy brief available to download: Developing the cold chain in the agrifood sector in sub-Saharan Africa
A focus on the importance of the cold chain in reducing post-harvest losses
6th FRISBEE meeting.
The 6th FRISBEE meeting, hosted by Federalimentare, was held on March 6-7, 2013 in Rome, Italy.
News from IIR members: Cemafroid
Cemafroid and the National Centre for Cold chain Development (NCCD) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) within framework of cooperation in the cold-chain field in India.
Encyclopedia of Refrigeration
1 result
Cryogenics in the pharmaceutical industry: drug design and bioavailability improvement
Research activities in the pharmaceutical sector focus primarily on developing novel drug formulations which can elicit the desired response upon being administered to the patient...