The effect of building characteristics and climatic zones on sensible and total cooling demand in an office building.

Number: pap. n. 127



It is important to make a difference between the sensible cooling load and the total cooling load when air-water air conditioning systems are designed. Air-water room air conditioning systems can be designed as sensible cooling or total cooling applications. In sensible-cooling room air-conditioning applications the cooling demand is covered with room units. The latent load is compensated in air-handling units by dehumidifying the supply air flow to required levels to avoid condensation on the piping or heat transfer surfaces of the terminal unit in the room space. In this case study, IDA-ICE energy simulation program was used to calculate the required sensible and the total cooling capacities and energy consumption of air-water systems. In the analysis, different window sizes and room orientations were studied. The cooling analysis was carried out in different climate zones in Europe and Asia covering cold, temperate, sub-tropical and tropical conditions. This paper presents the actual sensible cooling demand of an office building with different window sizes. The maximum sensible cooling demand in the perimeter zone could be reduced to a level of 120 W/m2 in all climate zones. The required sensible cooling load is not highly dependant on the building location. However, the total cooling capacity and energy demand is much higher in hot and humid conditions than in temperate and cold climates.

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  • Original title: The effect of building characteristics and climatic zones on sensible and total cooling demand in an office building.
  • Record ID : 30008669
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Clima 2013. 11th REHVA World Congress and 8th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings.
  • Publication date: 2013/06/16


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