IIR document
The measurement of local temperatures under micro jet impinging using HFE-7000.
Number: pap. TP-054
Author(s) : SHIN J. H., WANG Y., SONG C. H., et al.
Experiments were conducted to understand temperature distribution and measure local heat transfer coefficients under micro scale jet impinging using a refrigerant, HFE-7000 from 3MTM. The device used in the experiment was made of a 400 µm thick silicon wafer, a 500 µm thick Pyrex substrate, and a 250 µm thick vinyl sticker. On a silicon wafer, jet orifices were etched using deep reactive ion etching (DRIE). A heater and four 100 nm thick titanium resistance temperature detector (RTD) thermistors were fabricated on the Pyrex wafer. Between the Pyrex and silicon wafers, the vinyl sticker including a 1.9 mm × 14.8 mm × 0.25 mm micro channel was located to make them together. From the experiment, local temperatures from four RTDs were measured by heat fluxes at a flow rate, and local heat transfer coefficients were estimated to understand the characteristics of the jet impinging cooling.
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- Original title: The measurement of local temperatures under micro jet impinging using HFE-7000.
- Record ID : 30021491
- Languages: English
- Source: 5th IIR Conference on Thermophysical Properties and Transfer Processes of Refrigerants.
- Publication date: 2017/04/23
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18462/iir.tptpr.2017.0054
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