The relationship between fruit mineral content, hexane extracts of the peel and superficial scald in apples (cv. Jonagold).

Author(s) : MARCELLE R. D.


Hexane extracts of fruit peel was measured at 3 wavelengths. Significant correlations were found between hexane extract values (optical densities) and scald incidence during storage at 0.5 deg C. Equations relating scald incidence to hexane extract values were derived using multiple linear regression and their usefulness for predicting scald susceptibility in storage is discussed. Only one significant correlation between scald incidence and the mineral content of fruit slices was found: a positive relationship with copper content. With fruit peel (mean of samples from red and green sides), magnesium content was positively correlated with scald incidence, while iron content was negatively correlated.


  • Original title: The relationship between fruit mineral content, hexane extracts of the peel and superficial scald in apples (cv. Jonagold).
  • Record ID : 1997-0888
  • Languages: English
  • Publication date: 1995
  • Source: Source: Acta Hortic./Proc. int. Symp. Qual. Fruit Veg., Chania
    n. 379; 367-374; 11 ref.
