The state of food insecurity in the world 2010: addressing food insecurity in protracted crises.

L'état de l'insécurité alimentaire dans le monde 2010 : combattre l’insécurité alimentaire lors des crises prolongées.

Author(s) : FAO, WFP

Type of monograph: Report


This 2010 report focuses on a particular group of 22 countries, countries in protracted crisis, where levels of undernourishment are estimated to be at almost 40 percent. It examines the difficulties faced in trying to turn around the situation in such countries, not least the difficulty of moving beyond the mindset of humanitarian intervention towards a broader-based development agenda.
The report highlights actions that can be taken to rationalize the way protracted crises are handled. The final section of the report provides recommendations on ways to improve engagement with countries in protracted crisis. These focus on improving the analysis and understanding of protracted crises; supporting the protection, promotion and rebuilding of livelihoods and the institutions that support and enable livelihoods; and changing the architecture of external intervention in protracted crises to match the reality on the ground.