Thermal comfort and energy saving potential of a roof-vegetated classroom in hot and humid climate.

Number: pap. 418

Author(s) : HUANG K. T., HWANG R. L.


Vegetated roof construction is a fast-developing green building strategy utilized in subtropical Taiwan, especially for school buildings. However, the quantified effect on indoor thermal comfort and energy saving potential of cooling energy are seldom discussed. The research tried to quantify these effects by dynamic computer hourly simulations. An actual high school classroom located in hot and humid Taipei was modeled. Long-term thermal comfort analysis including discomfort occurrences and the severity of it were discussed under natural ventilation operation mode of the classroom. Adaptive thermal comfort models proposed by ASHRAE and Taiwan were used to analyze the indoor thermal comfort environment. It reveals that the classroom with vegetated roofs could lower the thermal discomfort occurrences by 8.3%. The severity of discomfort could also be lowered by 13.6%. Furthermore, air-conditioning operation mode was also discussed to quantify the cooling energy saving due to rooftop greenery. Under the premise that air-conditioning systems are only available during summer months, the simulation results show that 5.9% of yearly cooling energy saving could be achieved with a vegetated roof.

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  • Original title: Thermal comfort and energy saving potential of a roof-vegetated classroom in hot and humid climate.
  • Record ID : 30009099
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Clima 2013. 11th REHVA World Congress and 8th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings.
  • Publication date: 2013/06/16


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