IIR document

Thermodynamic and economic analysis of a novel solar-assisted vapor injection ejector-enhanced cycle for building heating.

Author(s) : LIANG Y., LI Z., ZHU Y., DONG M., LU J.

Type of article: IJR article


This research proposes a novel solar-assisted vapor injection ejector-enhanced cycle (SVI-EEC). The energy, exergy, and exergo-economic modelings of SVI-EEC are conducted in this study and compared with the modified solar-assisted vapor injection ejector-enhanced cycle (SE-MVIC) and the flash tank vapor injection cycle (FVIC). In addition, the performance of several low-GWP refrigerant mixtures (R13I1/R152a,R13I1/R161 and R13I1/R32), is investigated to advance the replacement of HFC refrigerants.The simulation results show that for the same compressor inlet mass flow, the of SVI-EEC is improved by 6.9% and 29.7% compared to SE-MVIC and FVIC, respectively. The and of R13I1/R152a at optimum injection pressure increased by 1.94% and 5.49%, respectively, compared to R134a. In summary, the proposed SVI-EEC system has excellence in performance and application potential, while R13I1/R152a has the potential to replace R134a.

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Pages: 346-361


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  • Original title: Thermodynamic and economic analysis of a novel solar-assisted vapor injection ejector-enhanced cycle for building heating.
  • Record ID : 30033233
  • Languages: English
  • Subject: HFCs alternatives
  • Source: International Journal of Refrigeration - Revue Internationale du Froid - vol. 169
  • Publication date: 2025/01
  • DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2024.11.005


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