Thermohydraulic behaviour of He II in stratified co-current two-phase flow at high vapour velocities.

Author(s) : ROUSSET B., DI MUOIO E., PUECH L., et al.


Recent experiments conducted with a co-current flow of saturated superfluid helium at CEA-Grenoble (France) have shown a transition from stratified two-phase flow to droplet mist flow at high vapour velocities. The two-phase co-current stratified flow was circulated through a 40 mm inner diameter, 10 m long tube, with a slope ranging between 0 and 1.4%. Mass flow rates and temperatures ranged between 1 and 7 g/s, 1.8 and 2 K respectively. These various conditions allowed a comparison of the flow behaviour for the same void fraction but different vapour mass flows. Some evidences of atomization without any transition from stratified to annular flow are given.


  • Original title: Thermohydraulic behaviour of He II in stratified co-current two-phase flow at high vapour velocities.
  • Record ID : 2006-0040
  • Languages: English
  • Source: Proceedings of the nineteenth International Cryogenic Engineering Conference. ICEC 19.
  • Publication date: 2002/07/22


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