Thin-film high-temperature superconductor delay-line filters.

Author(s) : HUANG F.


Delay-line microwave filters using high-temperature superconductors are reviewed. First, a design procedure for delay-line filters based on an inverse scattering algorithm is described. Furthermore, frequency-dependent losses and dispersion as well as multiple transits of the wave between taps are allowed for. Devices to be reviewed are linear phase and quadratic phase (chirp) filters, while an example of use in a system is a cueing receiver which identifies regions in the frequency spectrum for further analysis.


  • Original title: Thin-film high-temperature superconductor delay-line filters.
  • Record ID : 1998-2127
  • Languages: English
  • Publication date: 1997/10
  • Source: Source: Cryogenics/Proc. LTEC, Southampton
    vol. 37; n. 10; 671-679; 15 fig.; 16 ref.