Treatment of iron alloys below 0 deg C.

[In Spanish. / En espagnol.]

Author(s) : FIORI A.

Type of article: Article


The author describes: 1) physical properties of steel; carbon-iron diagram. 2) The treatment of steel below 0 deg C; it eliminates residual austenite after normal quenching and makes it possible to improve the mechanical properties of steel. The treatment consists in cooling down to -80 or -100 deg C and then tempering in order to reduce internal stress. 3) Cascade refrigerating system used for the treatment. 4) Examples: steel for tools; magnetic steel; high-carbon-level steel for cutting and hammering; cemented-steel parts; artificial aging of steels. J.G.


  • Original title: [In Spanish. / En espagnol.]
  • Record ID : 1995-1202
  • Languages: Spanish
  • Source: Téc. Frio - vol. 43 - n. 451
  • Publication date: 1994/01
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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