Use of the global warming potential index to evaluate the impact of reducing the air infiltration rates in existing houses.

Author(s) : ZMEUREANU R.


In a cold climate such as that of Montreal, the air infiltration through the exterior envelope of a house has a significant impact on the heating energy consumption and cost. Although the reduction of the air infiltration rate to the level of new well-built houses can lead to the reduction of heating energy cost, the present cost-effectiveness of its implementation in the existing houses is low. The evaluation of the environmental impact of this energy conservation measure is performed using the GWP (Global Warming Potential) index. This index is expressed in terms of carbon equivalent effect, warming effect produced by several greenhouse gases.


  • Original title: Use of the global warming potential index to evaluate the impact of reducing the air infiltration rates in existing houses.
  • Record ID : 2006-2023
  • Languages: English
  • Publication date: 1999/08/09
  • Source: Source: Proc. AIVC Conf., Edinburgh
    CP 20; n. 7; 6 p.; 10 ref./AIVC CD n. 6.