Vacuum insulation for transport equipment.

Vacuümisolatie voor transportmiddelen.

Author(s) : MEFFERT H. F. T.

Type of article: Article


After a year of silence, vacuum insulation for transport equipment is back on the market. However, lack of comparable technical data hampers the evaluation of suitable constructions for this promising technology with far reaching consequences. Rules of thumb for energy management and dimensioning of equipment must be revisited. Regulations on minimal wall thickness must be amended.


  • Original title: Vacuümisolatie voor transportmiddelen.
  • Record ID : 2001-1592
  • Languages: Dutch
  • Source: Koude & Luchtbehandeling - vol. 93 - n. 6
  • Publication date: 2000/06
  • Document available for consultation in the library of the IIR headquarters only.


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