Yielding of 'Elsanta' strawberry plants as influenced by the date of freezing of plugs in a cold store.

Plonowanie truskawki 'Elsanta' w zaleznosci od terminu umieszczenia sadzonek w chlodni.


Type of article: Article


In the experiment, the effect of the duration of the cultivation period (10, 14 or 18 weeks) of strawberry plug plants ('Elsanta') on their quality was examined. Additionally, an evaluation of the effect of the date of freezing of plug plants at -2°C (after cultivation) on their subsequent productivity was also carried out. No significant differences in leaf weight and leaf area, root weight and crown diameter were found for plug plants cultivated for 10, 14 and 18 weeks. Plugs cultivated for 18 weeks had the longest roots and the highest weight of the crown. The starch content in roots was the largest in this group of plugs, and it was connected with the highest number of chilling hours received by these plants. The productivity of plug plants put into cold storage on the earliest date (after 10 weeks of cultivation) was the lowest. 40% of the plug plants originating from this group died during cultivation in a greenhouse.


  • Original title: Plonowanie truskawki 'Elsanta' w zaleznosci od terminu umieszczenia sadzonek w chlodni.
  • Record ID : 2007-1650
  • Languages: Polish
  • Source: Zesz. naukowe Inst. Sadow. Kwiac. - vol. 14
  • Publication date: 2006


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