Latest figures on LNG-fuelled fleet growth

As of April 2024, DNV reported 535 LNG-fuelled vessels in operation worldwide and over 500 more vessels on order. 

Over 500 LNG-fuelled ships currently in operation  


According to the maritime classification and consultancy company DNV, the number of LNG-powered ships in operation grew from 355 in 2022 to 469 in December 2023. 

In April 2024, there were 535 LNG-powered ships in operation and 509 vessels on order.  

Based on existing orders, DNV forecasts that by the end of 2027, over a thousand LNG-fuelled ships will be in operation worldwide. 



The portfolio of LNG-fuelled ships currently in operation includes 93 LNG-powered container ships and 78 crude oil tankers, 59 oil/chemical tankers, and 53 bulk carriers. 


Methanol is gaining in popularity as an alternative maritime fuel 


Methanol is the second most popular alternative maritime fuel choice, with 47 ships ordered since the beginning of the year. Considering both the number of ships in service and the number of ships ordered, there are currently 1,044 confirmed LNG-fuelled ships, 281 methanol-fuelled vessels, 30 hydrogen-fuelled vessels, and 20 ammonia-fuelled vessels.


