Management and destruction of ozone depleting substances

A recent GIZ study analyses the management and destruction of ozone depleting substances (ODS) – primarily used as refrigerants – particularly in developing countries.
A recent GIZ study analyses the management and destruction of ozone depleting substances (ODS) – primarily used as refrigerants – particularly in developing countries. Banks are defined as “total amount of substances contained in existing equipment, chemical stockpiles, foams and other products not yet released to the atmosphere”. The total estimate of reachable ODS banks, i.e. banks available for management, is 5,354 kt. This corresponds to 3,037 kt ODP and 16.8 Gt CO2eq.

At the moment, less than 50 % of the reachable banks are in developing countries but the amount of manageable ODS in banks will gradually shift from developed countries to developing countries over the next few years. Not all reachable banks can be recovered at a reasonable level of effort and cost, which is defined as the technical feasibility.

Destruction technologies can be categorized in high temperature incineration, plasma technologies, and other non-incineration technologies. There are currently 16 TEAP approved technologies for the destruction of ODS. Costs related to recovery and destruction vary significantly between subsectors and range between less than 10 (commercial refrigeration) to over 100 (steel faced foam panels) USD per kg ODS.