Member news: GEA implements an innovative high-temperature heat pump at a Tiense Suiker production site

GEA has developed a high-temperature industrial heat pump utilising heat recovery, with reduced emissions. 

Global industrial technology manufacturing leader GEA has developed a pentane (R601) heat pump that enables the recovery of industrial waste heat, which has now been implemented at a production facility of the Belgian sugar producer Tiense Suiker.


This heat pump uses vacuum steam from the evaporation plant as a heat source, with temperatures ranging from 75°C to 92°C, to generate steam at 139°C and a power output of 4 MW. This innovation allows for a reduction of CO₂ emissions by 3,000 to 3,500 tons per year.


Until now, industrial heat pumps with medium output (500 kW to 10 MW) have mainly been limited to flow temperatures of around 95°C.


This project is part of the EU’s SPIRIT program, supported by Horizon Europe, aimed at promoting the use of sustainable technologies in industry. 


The official opening took place on February 19, in the presence of Flemish Prime Minister Matthias Diependaele. The Tiense Suiker site is one of three demonstration sites for the project, with installations in Norway and the Czech Republic. 


GEA has been an IIR corporate member since 2007.



Tiense Suiker/ Steven Massart