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152 results
IIR document
A pressure swing adsorption-Cryogenerator hybrid system for liquefaction of nitrogen.
Plant for natural gas liquefaction using a rotor wave cryogenerator.
Small-scale vortex tubes in cryogenics.
Development of a cooling system for superconducting wind turbine generator.
Cryogenic systems in MuSun experiment.
Working fluid selection for the high-temperature stage of an ultra low temperature refrigeration system.
1st IIR International Conference of Cryogenics and Refrigeration Technology (ICCRT 2016). Proceedings: Bucharest, Romania, June 22-25, 2016.
A capacitance based axial position sensor for cryocoolers.
Long-life cryocooler performance and production.
Low-power cryocooler survey.
Wave cryogenerators applied in technologies of rare gas separation.
Tecnologias de separación de gases raros: aplicación de criogeneradores de onda.
Wave cryogenerators in Ne-He mixture purifying systems.
Development of a valved linear compressor for a satellite borne J-T cryocooler.
Structural optimization of Gartman-Sprenger gasodynamic cryogenic-generator for application in neon-helium mixture preliminary purification plants.
[In Russian. / En russe.]