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IIR document
Measurement of food dehydration during freezing in mechanical and cryogenic freezing conditions.
Measurement of food dehydration during freezing: development of an experimental tool and application to tylose.
Osmotic Dehydration, Drying Kinetics, and Quality Attributes of Osmotic Hot Air-Dried Mango as Affected by Initial Frozen Storage.
Recent developments in the hybridization of the freeze-drying technique in food dehydration: a review on chemical and sensory qualities.
Study of coating effects on variable profile annular fins when subjected to dehumidifying operating conditions.
Caractérisation expérimentale et modélisation multi-échelles des transferts thermiques et d'eau lors de la congélation des produits alimentaires.
Experimental characterization and multi-scale modeling of heat and water transfers during food freezing.
Pervaporation Membrane for Refrigerator Vegetable Tray Applications.
Freezing of bakery products with fruit filling; mitigation of water migration between cake and filling thanks to the sucrose equivalent model.
Refrigeration system technology in european off-shore fisheries.
Effect of three air supply modes on water evaporation process in limited space of frost-free refrigerator.
Effect of sono-osmodehydration pretreatment on the mass transfer kinetics, freezing characteristics and quality attributes of frozen carrot (Daucus carota).
Changes in the Quality Attributes of Selected Long-Life Food at Four Different Temperatures over Prolonged Storage.
Recommended by the IIR
The natural cryoprotectant honey for fertility cryopreservation.
Pré-congélation des végétaux par immersion.
Effect of Freezing Wheat Dough Enriched with Calcium Salts with/without Inulin on Bread Quality.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
1 result
Dehydrofreezing of apples
A recent study focuses on a freezing process for partially dehydrated apples.