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169 results
Modeling and numerical analysis of resistance network for non-insulated superconducting magnet.
Development of refrigeration oils with high electrical resistivity for new energy vehicles.
IIR document
Cryogenic temperature nanosensor.
Electronic transport properties of NBTI in copper matrix superconducting wires.
A new approach to optimize thermoelectric cooling modules.
Energy model of an air source heat pump to explore performance improvements under cold conditions: a Python framework.
Experimental testing of a resistive sensor for monitoring frost formation in refrigeration systems
Passive heat exchanger with no moving parts for thermoelectric generators. [in Spanish]
Heat transfer through the flat surface of Rutherford superconducting cable samples with novel pattern of electrical insulation immersed in He II.
Experimental evaluation and thermodynamic system modeling of thermoelectric heat pump clothes dryer.
CFD modeling of very high air flow in a residential clothes dryer to investigate pressure loss and flow through the air flow path.
Influence of irregular fiber filling on the performance of hollow fiber membrane modules for cold water production.
A low carbon defrost system.
Geothermal heat pump applied eggs incubation.
Lubrication analysis of journal bearings in R410A rotary compressor.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
9 results
Cryogenics 2021 highlights: applications of liquid nitrogen
Cryopreservation of biological materials to favour biodiversity and cooling of superconducting cables to allow transmission of electrical energy with zero resistance are key applications of liquid...
100 years of superconductivity
April 8, 2011 marked the 100th anniversary of the discovery of superconductivity by Heike Kammerlingh Onnes. Working in his lab at Leiden University on April 8, 1911, he was experimenting with the electrical...
High-temperature Superconductivity
Groundbreaking findings on high-temperature superconductivity. A superconductor is a material that can conduct electricity with virtually no resistance. The phenomenon was discovered by Kamerlingh Onnes in 1911 and takes place in certain metals...
LHC accelerating science
The first beam in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN was steered around the full 27 km of the world's most powerful particle accelerator on September 10, 2008, in Geneva. Beams of protons circulating in opposite directions are to be brought into...
Supercooling the LHC
CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the new research instrument of the world's elementary particle physics community. This discovery-making machine will explore the structure of matter and basic forces of nature on a scale never attained before....
A possible major step in the quest of room-temperature superconductivity
Two researcher teams have just reported experiments indicating that a hydride of lanthanum compressed to 1.7 to 1.85 million bar has a critical temperature of 250–260 K (-23 – -13°C).
Superconducting cable for urban electricity
Part of AmpaCity project, the 1km, 10 kV high temperature ceramic-based superconductive cable is the world’s longest and the first to have been integrated into an urban electricity grid in Essen, Germany.
Photovoltaic thermal system combined with adsorption cooling achieves 75% efficiency
Researchers from IBM Zurich research laboratory combined photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal techniques in a high-concentration PV thermal (HCPVT) system to achieve efficient electrical cooling output without the need for extra cells.
Recent overview of research on electrocaloric cooling
A recent literature review presents an overview of research on electrocaloric cooling. The authors addressed the following topics: thermodynamic cycles, electrocaloric materials, experimental devices, numerical...
Encyclopedia of Refrigeration
1 result
Additive manufacturing of regenerators for caloric cooling
In many areas of engineering, additive manufacturing allows the production of complex and multifunctional products that could not be manufactured using traditional methods. In the...