It has been found that interfacial compounds (IFC)Cu4Ag3Te4 and Ag2Te induced by Ag interlayers can greatly optimize electrical contact at interface between Cu electrode and Bi2Te3thin film. However, effects of IFC on thin film thermoelectric cooler (TFTEC) cooling performance was unclear.Herein, we developed a TFTEC simulation modelto evaluate influenceofinterfacial compoundson cooling performance.For TFTEC with ZT=1.09,resultsshowed thatinfluence of IFC was twofold. On the one hand, IFC decreasedcontact resistivity, which increased cooling flux and cooling temperature difference. On the other hand, IFC degraded cooling performance of TFTEC due to its lower ZT than Bi2Te3thin film.With the same contact resistivity,maximum cooling flux qc,maxof TFTEC with IFC was 254.3 W/cm2, which was only 69.36% of that without IFC. And maximum cooling temperature difference ∆Tmax of TFTEC with IFC was 64.18K, which was only 79.25% of that without IFC.
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- Original title: Effects of interfacial compounds inducing by Ag interlayer on the Bi2Te3-based thin filmthermoelectric cooler.
- Record ID : 30032613
- Languages: English
- Subject: Technology
- Source: 10th IIR Conference on Caloric Cooling and Applications of Caloric Materials
- Publication date: 2024/08/24
- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18462/iir.thermag.2024.0005
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