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IIR document
The melting points and enthalpy of melting of refrigerants including HFOs and HCFOs.
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Reviewing the solid-liquid phase transition enthalpies of popular salt hydrate PCM.
Caracterización de un recuperador entálpico de placas de flujo cruzado.
Characterisation of a cross-flow plate enthalpy recuperator.
Excess enthalpy prediction for ionic liquid based absorption systems.
Effect of enthalpy exchanger on reducing frost accumulation on evaporator in frost-free refrigerator.
How to measure the melting enthalpy of semicongruently melting salt hydrate PCM.
Polymer Membranes for Enthalpy Exchangers.
Tool for the estimation of the melting enthalpy of PCM based on binary mixtures of salt + water.
Impact of oil presence on the evaporator enthalpy working with R1234ze(E) and R1234yf.
Feasibility of controlling heat and enthalpy wheel effectiveness to achieve optimal closed DOAS operation.
Reconsideration of enthalpy and entropy data and correlations for ammonia–water mixture up to 100?bar AND 535?°C.
Enthalpy estimation for new working fluid mixtures based on ionic liquids for absorption heat pumps.
Novel method for prediction of normal boiling point and enthalpy of vaporization at normal boiling point of pure refrigerants: a QSPR approach.
Boil-off calorimetry enthalpy measurements and equation of state of an aqueous pyridine azeotrope.
Cooling mechanism of a solar assisted air conditioner: An investigation based on pressure–enthalpy chart.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
3 results
Maturity level of alternative AC technologies
In a recent review article, the authors assessed air conditioning technologies in Europe according to their Technology Readiness Level (TRL).
Applications of artificial intelligence to refrigeration plants
A paper from the IIR TPTPR conference presents the energy performance and maintenance benefits of 19 refrigeration plants using artificial intelligence techniques.
ICR 2019: an overview of current refrigeration research (part II)
Presentation of the main scientific and technical topics covered in the papers of the 25th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration and summary of some of the 14 keynotes.
Encyclopedia of Refrigeration
1 result
Cryogenic nitrogen in the food and beverage industry
The adoption of cryogenic processes in the food and beverage industry is predominantly driven by liquid nitrogen (LIN), and it is the preferred candidate for food chilling and...