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IIR document
Continuously operating elastocaloric cooling device based on shape memory alloys: development and realization.
Theoretical prediction of the giant magnetocaloric effect in Ni40Co10Mn40Sn7Al3 Heusler alloy.
Magnetocaloric properties of the stacked Ni50Mn18.75-xCu6.25+xGa25 (x = 0÷1) polycrystalline alloys.
Direct in situ study of magnetocaloric effect and martensitic twins structure of Ni-Mn-Ga Heusler alloy in high magnetic fields up to 14T.
Theoretical modeling of heat transfer processes in Ni-Co-Mn-In magnetic wires.
Modelling of heat transfer processes in cooling cell with Ni-Co-Mn-In magnetic wires.
Double perovskites for room temperature magnetocaloric tasks.
Curie temperature effect on the inverse MCE in Ni2MnIn based Heusler alloys near room temperature.
Magnetic properties of FeNi alloys for high-temperature thermomagnetic power generation.
Investigation of single wire elastocaloric air cooling potential.
Thermodynamic parameters of a magnetic refrigerator with a Carnot cycle.
Investigation on innovative thermal conductive composite strontium chloride for ammonia sorption refrigeration.
Experimental study of condensation heat transfer of R134a on oil-infused metal foams.
3D evaluation of thermal stresses on ceramic-metal composites used at high temperature operation.
Development and tests of loop heat pipe with multi-layer metal foams as wick structure.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
6 results
Shape memory alloys: cooling with metal muscles
Researchers from the University of Saarland (Germany) are constructing an optimized prototype for an air-cooling system in which heat and cold are transferred using “muscles” made from a nickel-titanium alloy thanks to the elastocaloric effect.
China 's first self-made LNG carrier is being constructed in Shanghai after almost 8 years of research, training of building specialists and planning. An LNG ship is worth between USD 170 million and 200 million. The vessel which is due for...
CHEs in heat pumps
In its Annex 33, "Compact Heat Exchangers in Heat Pumping Equipment" issued in September 2010, the Heat Pump Programme details the benefits of using compact heat exchangers (CHEs): . Improved heat exchanger thermal effectiveness: thermal...
45°C temperature drop by using magnetic refrigeration technology
Researchers working in General Electric labs claim to have been able to freeze water using magnetic refrigeration technology.
ICR2011 highlights: cooling particle detectors
Cooling systems for particle detectors attracted interest at the IIR’s Congress in Prague in August 2011. These highly specific applications have very strict requirements compared with standard cooling systems: refrigerants should be resistant to...
A low-GWP cooling system for the Eiffel Tower
The ageing R407C cooling system in the tower’s west pillar has been replaced with an energy efficient system using low GWP R1234ze(E).
Encyclopedia of Refrigeration
1 result
Additive manufacturing of regenerators for caloric cooling
In many areas of engineering, additive manufacturing allows the production of complex and multifunctional products that could not be manufactured using traditional methods. In the...