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27 results
Cooling and dehumidification capacity chart of surface air cooler for air conditioning units.
[In Chinese. / En chinois.]
Theoretical and experimental analysis of desiccant air conditioning system for storage of agricultural products.
IIR document
Experimental evaluation of a variable-stage open absorption heat pump system utilizing aqueous KCOOH solution as absorbent.
Psychrometric chart celebrates its 100th anniversary.
Psychrometric chart analysis of a cold air distribution system.
Psychrometric charts and property formulations of supersaturated air.
Site Web HVAC : des principes à la théorie en passant par la pratique. I. Notions de base. II. Principes fondamentaux. III. Diagramme psychrométrique. IV. Exemples d'applications : température de pulsion.
HVAC Web site: principles, theory and practice. I. Fundamentals. II. Basic principles. III. Psychrometric chart. IV. Examples of applications : pulse temperature.
Occurrence of humid air diagrams within a short period at three distant places on the globe.
Development of a humid air diagram.
[In Serbian. / En serbe.]
Energy saving air-conditioning system in a chocolate products storage facility.
[In Russian. / En russe.]
Exergy analysis of psychrometric processes for HVAC&R applications.
A critical investigation into the heat and mass transfer analysis of counterflow wet-cooling towers.
Psychrometric-like charts for the energy analysis of VOC recovery processes.
Frost formation and heat transfer on a cold surface in ice fog.
IIR news
1 result
Valuable publications: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
A new edition of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, fully revised and updated by Guy Hundy was published in July 2008. This 392-page book is an introductory text and ideal for new entrants to the industry, particularly suited to students and...